Hotels should provide a warm and welcoming environment for guests. Unwanted pests certainly don’t provide a welcome reception, but sometimes pests appear even no matter your best efforts. This is because hotels are especially vulnerable to pests due to the sheer volume of people coming and going. At ASAP Pest Control, we’ve been partnering with hotels to ensure that guests have a pest-free experience and work with management to implement pest prevention strategies.

Hotel room cleaned by ASAP Pest Control

Professional Pest Management Solutions for the Hotel Industry

There’s a lot of competition in the hospitality industry. It’s why pest control in the hotel industry is so important. A bad review or unflattering word of mouth can make it hard to promote your hotel and recover its good standing. You can enhance and protect your hotel’s reputation by keeping unwanted visitors out so you can confidently welcome guests in.

Common Pests Found in Hotels 

Hotels can face a series of specific pests and intruders due to their many different service areas and high volume of traffic. Some common pests found in hotels include: 

Pest Control Services for Hotels

ASAP Pest Control has a plan of action to handle your hotel pest management needs. Our approach to preventing and tackling your pest issues consists of:

An Assessment:  

We’ll inspect your hotel from top to bottom to identify an existing or potential pest problem including points of entry for pests. 

A Plan of Action:  

With your input, we’ll devise a solution to your pests. Our Integrated Pest Management Program will look at your issue from all angles and examine safe methods of pest control before a more intense approach is warranted. We’ll customize your pest control plan to take into account compliance regulations, non-chemical approaches, and more. 

For bed bugs, ASAP Pest Control uses an Apprehend retreatment, a natural biopesticide that eliminates bed bugs and prevents them from reappearing. This odorless fungal spray remains active for six months and does not affect humans or animals.   

A Maintenance Schedule:  

We’ll create a maintenance program to keep your hotel pest free. 

Bed Bug Treatment

Working with ASAP Pest Control for bed bug removals can make managing your hotel’s bedbug prevention procedures easier. We can assist you in protecting your hotel from expensive and unsightly infestations all year round. With our help, you can provide a worry-free and pest-free environment for visitors and staff.

Professional Hotel Pest Management Solutions for Hotels in London 

ASAP is dedicated to keeping you and your important guests safe in the environment, so their stay is pleasurable. We’ve built a reputation for effective pest control, and this extends to commercial pest control for hotels. Our focus is on restoring your hotel to a space that is safe for all guests and staff. Speak with our team of professionals on how we can help.