The centipede is a peculiar-looking insect that can be startling to discover. However, they are common in gardens and can sometimes make their way inside your home. These insects enjoy damp locations and tight crevices with plenty of moisture. You may find them in bathrooms, kitchens, and even small closets. These nocturnal insects sneak into your home through small holes and hide.
Their primary food source is other insects. Many of these insects in your home can signal an infestation of other insects. These creepy crawlers love to feed on flies, silverfish, spiders, and cockroaches. Therefore, they are called nature’s exterminators. Despite their vital role in the ecosystem, they are still unwanted pests. With the help of professional pest control, you can keep your home centipede-free.
What does a Centipede Look Like?
The word centipede means “a hundred legs,” and if you’ve seen one, you can understand why. These slithering insects can range between 1 inch to 6 inches in length and have a long cylindrical body shape. They have 30 pairs of legs, far less than the hundred their name suggests, and they are generally a light brown or yellow hue.
They are commonly mistaken for their counterpart, the millipede. However, millipedes move at a slower pace. Millipedes are also darker in color.
Is the Centipede a Dangerous Insect?
These insects bite when threatened and use venom to kill their food. This venom is harmless to humans, but their bites can still be painful. Larger insects give more painful bites due to the size of their claws. The venom given off by centipedes contains harmful toxins like histamine and serotonin. These toxins can cause allergic reactions in individuals with allergies to bee and wasp stings.
How Do You Know If You Have a Centipede Infestation?
The Centipede is a nocturnal insect. Therefore, it will be hard to determine if you have an infestation unless you see them in great numbers during the day. You can also check their typical hiding places like damp closets and bathroom cabinets. These insects are also found outdoors. Therefore, noticing even a few strolling around inside can be a sign they have invaded your home.
How do you Get Rid of Centipedes?
Homeowners may result to bait traps, glue traps, or boric acid to attempt removal. However, to completely rid the home of these myriapods and prevent them from returning, you must identify their primary hiding spots and determine why they have chosen to enter your home. This is a challenging task for those who have little knowledge about these pests, meaning professional pest control is often warranted. These highly trained individuals can rid your home of a centipede infestation and implement controlled extermination methods to keep them from returning.
Call ASAP Pest Control for Professional Centipede Extermination
Having a centipede infestation in your home can be a stressful experience. However, you do not have to handle it alone. Call ASAP Pest Control for professional centipede extermination in London, Ontario, and surrounding areas. Our knowledgeable team of professional commercial and residential pest control specialists will find and remove the insects invading your space and implement a practical plan to keep your home centipede-free.