Pavement ants are among the most common species of ants found throughout Southwestern Ontario. In fact, they are so common that they are rarely regarded as serious pests. These ants are named due to the intricate nests they make in the cracks and gaps of pavement and can frequently infest homes and commercial buildings. These are the ants that you might see on sidewalks or your driveway crawling from small mounds of sand that often seem to appear overnight. Even though they are less harmful than many other insects, they can still cause problems in your home if they aren’t kept in check.
As industry leaders, ASAP Pest Control is experienced in assessing and handling pavement ant infestations in your home. Here’s what you need to know about the Pavement Ants if you suspect they are present in your home or on your property:
What Do Pavement Ants Look Like?
Pavement ants are between 1/8 to 1/16-inch long and are either brown or black in colour. They have grooves on the head and thorax, two spines on the back, and a stinger on the last abdominal segment. Queens and breeding ants also have wings and are twice the size of workers, but you are far more likely to see the workers crawling around.
Pavement ants nest underneath stones or in pavement cracks, hence their common name. They eat sweet or greasy foods, fruit, and other insects. They have also been known to eat pet food. They can bite or sting humans, but they rarely do so.
Are Pavement Ants Dangerous?
Unlike other common types of pests, these ants are entirely harmless to humans and pets, but their waste and foraging habits can cause problems in your home or in paved areas, such as patios or driveways. This species does not have the ability to bite humans, though they can however sting.
What Do Pavement Ants Eat?
The preferred food of pavement ants is primarily sweets and meats, but they also eat cheese, nuts, cereals, and seed-based foods. They can be found inside homes and buildings when their food supply outside is scarce, or when warm weather keeps them active longer during the year.
Signs of a Pavement Ant Infestation
Pavement ants can become a nuisance if they infest a kitchen or an outdoor patio in large numbers. Signs of an infestation include seeing ants around food sources and small mounds of dirt near your home on your driveway or near your doorstep. You may also find them inside the bathroom or kitchen. You will most likely see trails of ants in your home at night, although you might see the occasional ant during the day. Serious infestations might also cause pavement slabs to shift or become loose. These ants are primarily abundant during the spring and summer seasons because the weather is warm and usually go inside houses in search of warmth and moisture.
Pavement Ant Habitat
Pavement ants thrive in the cracks and crevices of pavements, sidewalks, walkways, and other concrete structures. They can also be found in lawns and driveways with mulch and compost piles. Many ants flock to these areas because they are easier to dominate and forage for food sources than inside homes or other buildings.
Manage Pavement Ant Infestations with ASAP Pest Control
Pavement ant colonies can quickly become a nuisance and need to be eliminated from homes as soon as possible. If you think you have a pavement ant infestation in your home, don’t hesitate to contact ASAP Pest Control. We have been providing local London homeowners with trusted pest control services and can help to identify a pavement infestation in your home, locate their entry point, eliminate an existing ant infestation and help to ensure these infestations do not return. For more information about our insect control services, contact the team of professional pest control technicians at ASAP Pest Control today.