Unlike butterflies, fireflies and dragonflies, there is nothing magical or endearing about house flies. Not only are they annoying, but they contaminate food and can spread life-threatening diseases. They only live one month, but they can wreak havoc in those 30 days.
Interesting Facts About House Flies
House flies have endured for 65 million years. Their survival has been driven by an astounding reproduction rate. The female lays 600 to 1,000 eggs, and the eggs hatch in only 24 hours. House flies typically remain within one mile of their hatching site. These indoor flies don’t have teeth or stingers.
If you have problems with these bugs, set your flyswatter aside, and turn to the professional residential pest control (https://asappestcontrol.ca/residential/ ) experts at ASAP Pest Control to quickly and effectively eliminate the problem.
What Do Houseflies Look Like?
Adult house flies are approximately one-eighth to one-quarter inch long. They’re dull gray and are covered in hair. House flies have transparent wings and two stump-like wings that keep them balanced when flying. Flies eyes have bulging, reddish eyes comprised of 4,000 lenses which allow them to see 360 degrees.
Are House Flies Harmful?
Yes. A single house fly can carry more than 100 pathogens and about two million bacteria. They transmit deadly diseases including cholera, anthrax, and tuberculosis. House flies feed on filthy substances such as feces, trash and rotting meat. Since they can’t eat solid food, they liquefy it by vomiting on it and then sucking up the fluid. These flies also defecate every five minutes, so if you eat something that a housefly has landed on, you could be ingesting bacteria, vomit, and feces.
What Are the Signs of a House Fly Infestation?
The most obvious sign of a housefly infestation is large numbers of the insects. You’ll find many of them invading dirty places such as your garbage can or your cat’s litter box. Flies deposit fecal matter anywhere they land. During an infestation, this excrement accumulates and looks like masses of tiny black dots. If these flies lay eggs, maggots could compound the infestation.
How Do You Get Rid of House Flies?
Unless house flies are dealt with by professional pest control services, the infestation can grow exponentially. The flies have to be eliminated, and the source of the infestation must be located and purged. The ASAP Pest Control specialists have the specific tools and knowledge of correct application to eliminate house flies and make sure they don’t come back.
Call ASAP Pest Control for Professional House Fly Extermination
Call ASAP Pest Control today for professional fly extermination in London, Ontario, and surrounding areas. We’re here to stop pests from bugging you!